Yahoo! Music store, introduced by the Yahoo!, is a provider of a variety of music services, including Internet radio, music videos, news, artist information and so on.
By Comscore Media Metrix Accessed - May 2, 2007, the Yahoo! Music was the Number 1 online music site in audience reach as of March 2007.
MP3 formatis widely used shortenize for MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 - is a popular audio encoding format. Industry standard for open music.
DRM Removal can convert Yahoo! without loosing quality comparing to original music. You can listen to converted music to compare
conversion quality and copy converted music directly to your iPod or iPhone, (in case you choose AAC as encoder).
The audio conversion speed is as fast as up to 40x from playback speed. Please note - the actual conversion speed on your computer depends on your computer speed.
Conversion can run simultaneously, which allows you to convert from 2-6 tracks (depends on your computer speed and product version) at a time!
In batch conversion mode, the program preserves directory structure and artist/album information (for MP3 it's called ID3 tags) per song.
Wants to listen your Yahoo! Music music with your iPod or iPhone? It's simple and fast - just run this awesome application.